Drug abuse is the greatest
problem of today. Drugs give momentary enjoyment but eat away slowly the most
vital parts of our body. Drug abuse is an international problem and should be
controlled by all means. The youth who are supposed to be the future pillars of
the nation are addicted to drugs.
The main drug racketeers and
drug peddlars distribute the drugs to the teenagers free of cost through some
road-side stalls or through small ice-cream shops. Once an individual has
tasted the drug for the first time, he becomes an addict and cannot live
without it. He then must have drugs and to get them he is ready to do anything.
At this stage the drugs are sold to him the higher price.
Drugs can cause heart attack,
high blood pressure, hardening of arteries and cancer. Those who start taking
drugs are either unemployed or frustrated due to some social or family problem.
Anti Narcotics squad (ANS)
and international Drugs Enforcement Agency (IDEA) have been set up to eradicate
this abuse. But the police and other agencies are corrupted by the drug
racketeers and even the top officials and politicians seem to be hand in glove
with them. The result is the more and more youths are joining the group of drug
To eradicates this abuse the
drug peddlars and the racketeers must be punished. Strict measures to control
the sale of drugs in open as well as at secret places should be taken. Moral
education should be introduced as one of the subjects in school and colleges
and guidance and counseling centre should be opened.
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