
Friday 3 May 2013


DNS_changerHey Friends... Are you aware of the above mentioned title.?? If No then you must be If you don't wanna loose your internet connection soon. Yes.... you can loose your internet connection soon if you don't take any action about it. This is a Malware which the criminals are using and spreading all over the world. Even they have succeeded in infecting more than 4 million computers in
100 countries, including 500,000 in the United States, according to the indictment Approximately.You may also be the one of them. so there is a need to check it out. as you can face the problem later.

Well You must be thinking that why all this happening..?? Well Here is the brief history of this attack read it out :-

It started in 2007, when a group of hackers -- six Estonians and one Russian -- allegedly started masquerading as Internet advertisers who were paid by the click, according to an 2011 indictment from the U.S. Attorney General's Office in the Southern District of New York. In other words, if an ad got more clicks, they pocketed more cash.

So they figured out a way to beat the system, according to the indictment. They created a piece of malware, called DNS Changer, that tampered with the DNS -- the thing that takes a website address and finds the numerical IP address to connect you to that website -- redirecting millions of Internet users to sites they didn't search for.

How To Check If Your Computer Is Infected From This Attack Or Not :-

There are two easy ways to check whether your computer is infected with malware or not. To check it follow the any of the two ways :-

1. Just Visit this link CLICK HERE . After clicking this link if the webpage's backgrounds comes up as Green then you are safe and not affected from this attack. But unfortunately if backgrounds comes Red then your computer is infected with that malware and soon your internet connection can be cut. 

Well within a week more then millions of users have clicked and checked their status if they are safe or not. And not so much are infected. You also should check it out. 

2. Second way is also very simple. Just Open your command Prompt (Start Menu -> Run -> Type "Cmd") and write ifconfig /all into it.

Look for the entry that reads “DNS Servers……….”
The numbers on this line and the line(s) below it are the IP addresses for your DNS servers. These numbers are in the format of nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a number in the range of 0 to 255. Make note of the IP addresses for the DNS servers and compare them to the table of known rogue DNS servers listed below. If the IP addresses of your DNS server appear in the table below, then the computer is using rogue DNS.


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To make the comparison between the computer’s DNS servers and this table easier, start by comparing the first number before the first dot. For example, if your DNS servers do not start with 85, 67, 93, 77, 213, or 64, you can move on to the next step. If your servers start with any of those numbers, continue the comparison..

Thats it. Well Just Try the 1st option as it is the easiest. if it gives the Red Background then you can try 2nd option. Well I think now it should be clear to all of you that what the DNS CHANGER ATTACK is.?? and why you all should be aware of this. If you have any question,confusion or problem then please comment below. Your kind response is always appreciated. Thanks. :)

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