
Tuesday 7 May 2013

My Experience with World Savvy - A Student Reflection by A.C Wilson from North Community High School

My Experience with World Savvy - A Student Reflection by A.C Wilson from North Community High SchoolHave you ever had an experience that you thought was very beneficial to your life and/or had a big impact on you? I have, it was World Savvy [Challenge].  This was an event that mine and many other schools in Minnesota participated in.  Only a certain amount of kids from each school got to go, luckily my partner Maryan and I were chosen because our teacher had hope for us.  My experience at World Savvy was great, I got a chance to meet lots of new people, learn lots of new things, and prove to my teachers how much I have grown and learned from them.  Also how proud I am of myself and my peers that were with me.
As my peers and I were meeting those new people, we showed that North is a acceptable school to participate in something such as this.  Lots of people just decide to exclude North from many things because of our past.  Also meeting those new people gave me a chance to learn how to talk to people from different backgrounds.  Not many kids my age get a opportunity to have a conversation with intellectual individuals, such as them.  It also showed me that not everyone you meet will like you.
From my point of view, my problem was only focusing on Minnesota and the U.S., not thinking the problem was much greater than just us.  I also learned that a mistake is just a learning opportunity.  Luckily that I took things to the "heart" more, not all the kids did the same.  Also if it effects you it might effect someone else, or even everyone else, you never know.  Everyone should try thinking past their ego and do something bigger then themselves.
Just like I said before in the pervious paragraph I learned that mistakes are learning opportunity, my teacher also taught me that.  I showed my teachers that I know how to speak to sophisticated adults.  Speaking to adults also shows your dedication and how well you assert yourself.  I also showed my teachers and community how I didn't fall into the stereotype of North.  They judge us off our past, now they can judge us off what we do now, I bet their opinion would change.
In conclusion, I got to meet new people, enhance my knowledge, and show how well I represent my school.  So I have had a experience that made a huge impact on my life and also change how I think about the world around me. Gratefully and luckily I had the chance to experience it with people I enjoy being around.  I bet every person that was at this event, weather they go to North or not, would say they same thing.

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