
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Social Service and its Value to Student

Man is a social animal and he cannot live alone. Society does its best to provide individuals with all comforts and amenities of life. All individuals have also an obligation towards the society. Student, in particular, owe a debt to the society. It is therefore, their duty to do some kind of social service for others.
Students have no worries and cares about earning their livelihood and they have unlimited vigour and vitality. So they can be of great help in the field of social service. Almost eighty per cent of the population of Pakistan lives in rural areas. Most of the people living in villages are illiterate. They are the victims of many social evils. Students can do a great deal to improve the lot of the villagers.
During their vacation, students should go to the villages and serve the villages. Students can also provide help to many other social organizations which are active in villages and provide different types of services to the people living in rural area. They can help the sufferers of an epidemic or help in the famine stricken area.
Students can also do something for the defence of their country. They can get training in first aid, fire fighting  air raid precautions, use of rifles, nursing etc. It has been found that students today are not interested in social work. They lead a dull, cheerless and irresponsible life. They is very deplorable. Such activities do not provide inner joy to individuals. On the country, students waste their money and precious time in these useless pursuits. Social service done with selfless efforts provides a great inner joy and keep an individual happy, mentally as well as emotionally.

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