
Monday 6 May 2013


The policeman belongs to the police department. He is a very useful public servant. He gets his khaki uniform from the police department. He provides security to the public and maintains peace in his area. Earlier, policemen were not much educated but now most of them are graduates .Though the educational qualification for a policeman is supposed to be senior secondary.
A policeman has to be physically strong. Good health is very essential for a policeman. A policeman has to work in all weather. He gets very few holidays and his work is very hard. He arrests the thieves and robbers. He has to take the criminals to the court. He helps in maintaining peace and order. He also regulates traffic and provides security to the leaders, ministers and other politicians. He helps the peace-loving citizens.
The services of a policeman are very essential to keep law and order. He maintains peace during strikes and arrests the troubles-makers and law breakers. He arrests the antisocial elements of the society and provides security and relief to the law-abiding citizens. A policeman is the backbone of the society. Without him no government can work smoothly. He is a symbol of law and is called the guardian of peace.
He is a terror to the wicked who should be dealt with severely .A policeman should be a man of good moral character.
Unfortunately, some policemen are dishonest and very corrupt. They accept bribes and don’t do anything unless their palm is greased. Such policemen bring a bad name to the police department. All the policeman are not, however corrupt and dishonest. As the policeman is paid for his work by the government, he should perform his duty sincerely and without accepting any cash or kind against the work done by him.

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