
Tuesday 30 April 2013

And So It Begins…

The light at the end of the tunnel seemed a long, long way off in the far distance; a mere pinhead of hope visible only from positions of extreme and unnatural contortion.  Back in the winter of 2004, after finally allowing frustration to overcome me and sink back in to defeat in my quest to recruit 3 reps a week for yet another netphobic MLM company, I started to look for other ways to give me what I so preciously valued, freedom.
I came across a few emails in my inbox from a guy that I had never met, or whose name I even recognised.  They seem to arrive with uniform regularity; say all the things I wanted to hear, identify all the challenges that I had been up against and offer a solution.  Strange, intriguing or plain and simple SPAM?  Ever curious I clicked open the first email and followed the call to action.  It took me to a single page on the www that was designed with one objective in mind, to convert me from a browser to a buyer.  And it succeeded in that singular motive.
This was Internet Marketing as it is known today and it was about to enter a new era.  One in which I was to take my very first step in to an unknown world of such cloak and dagger secrecy; the skills, tactics and strategies were a matter of national security!!!  Things were about to get ugly…
I followed all those links through religiously, I did EXACTLY as instructed, I duplicated my upline like a mirror image and I persisted until time, money and sheer will power were bled dry.  All throughout this time I tried and tried to find out about these highly secret and highly successful net strategies that the top distributors in the world were using.  I dug and dug and dug and came up against a brick wall every time.  This was the domain of only the most Elite and Privileged in the direct selling universe and you needed serious cash and war wounds to gain entry.  These strategies were netting them literally millions and millions in cash every month.  This was one very hot commodity these guys sure as hell weren’t keen to share!
Well it has taken me a while, a huge chunk of money and six years to get to the top of this industry.  Battled and bloodied, I have literally spent thousands, studied under the top ten of the industry greats, made every mistake in the book, missed windows of opportunity and failed in my self-belief so many times…the fact that I kept on going is testament to the power and potency of self-empowerment and freedom.
Now, believe me when I say that there are a lot of self-styled Internet Marketing gurus out there who still operate like this; they guard all of their most effective and lucrative strategies and only sell them on to you in exchange for a pile of your cash when they no longer work so well.  There are also a lot of genuine Internet Marketers, who believe in the power of mentoring and practice authentic leadership every day.  And these are the needles amongst the hay stacks that will lead you through the treacherous waters of the net and show you the gateway to true financial freedom for you and your family.
After years of experience, my sole aim is to bring these legends to you.  So, no matter what your level of experience or where you are at in life, there will be something for everyone.  Check out my Leadership and Success Section coming soon…

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