
Tuesday 30 April 2013

“Knowledge Has To Be Improved, Challenged and Increased Constantly…

“Knowledge Has To Be Improved, Challenged and Increased Constantly…

Words of wisdom from the esteemed management consultant Peter Drucker, who knew a thing or two about knowledge and the knowledge economy.  But it is simply not enough to know stuff, it is what you do with it, or if you chose to do anything at all that makes all the difference.  And most do not…
The vast majority of people who look at ways to improve their personal situation in life will, at one time or another, seek information on starting a home-based business that they can then run in the evenings after work and over weekends until it generates enough of an income to match their salary and then they fire their day job.  Wrong!
Most MLM and direct marketing companies have no idea about how to the utilise one of the greatest communication tools of the information era – the Internet.  Most persevere with the old school sales routine of cold-calling leads, holding meetings, pestering friends & family and knocking on doors and trying to “convince” people to look at your opportunity is DEAD.  Most people have no idea just how much money there is to be made on the Internet or quite how easily they can do this for themselves once they have mastered a few of the many hundreds of techniques there are out there.
So let’s get right down to it.  Others are already making hundreds, thousands and even millions online, everyday.  They are not celebrities, they are not royalty, they did not come from a privileged background, they did not have spare thousands in cash just waiting around for them to invest in their business and therefore gain competitive advantage over you.  No, they were standing right where you are now at one time in their lives.  They were all asking themselves the same questions that you are asking yourself right now and the answers did not fall out of the sky and drop in to their lap immediately.
The one thing these Internet Millionaires all had in common was a desire for change, a desire to make a better life for themselves and their families and the curiosity and perseverance to try.  So, rest assured, the elite and illustrious world of Internet Marketing may present an unfamiliar mass of unfathomable information overload to you right now.  But others have trodden this path before you just as many others will do so later.  What you have right now is an incredible opportunity to make this encounter work for you; to make it count as your first step toward using the Internet as a tool to gain a life of comfort, security, wealth and enjoyment.
Don’t squander this small window of opportunity that you have been handed.  Do not dismiss it as a whole load of hot air and nothingness.  Others have walked the path and you can to, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, it has already been done and works perfectly well.
Do not sit and think that it is not for you because you do not have what it takes.  You do not.  And you will never have what it takes until you take that first step, followed by another, followed by another.  All the way to the bank…
Make it count my friends, make this experience count.
Gain your first valuable lesson right now; here are two simple techniques to implement right away…
Click this link and I’ll see you again in just a few moments…

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