
Sunday 28 April 2013


Trees are very useful to man. Besides giving many conveniences, trees support the life of living things. They replace oxygen which is constantly used up and changed into carbon dioxide in breathing and burning. The green leaves of trees absorb carbon dioxide and break it up into carbon and oxygen. Trees help in preventing drought and floods. Unfortunately, man has failed to realize this advantage of trees. In his eagerness to get quick profit from the trees, man has cut them down in large numbers. Man has thus lost the best friends he had. Two thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships and gained an empire. It gained the empire but without its trees, its soil became poor. When the empire fell to pieces the home country found itself faced with floods and starvation. More and more trees, therefore, should be planted by all of us so that the earth becomes a better place to live in.

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