
Monday 20 May 2013

A Street Hawker

Street hawker can be seen everyday. They are found in every city. They are a common feature of urban life. A street hawker carries his wares on his head or a hand cart. He sells all kinds of things such as fruits, vegetables, eatables, ice creams, toys and other things of daily use. He goes from one street to another to sell his wares. Street hawkers shout in the street in an interesting tone. Some make strange sounds and some sing songs in order to attract the attention of their customers. Some hawkers ring bells. A street hawker supplies the people with goods in the comforts of their home. His customers are housewives who buy vegetables, fruits etc. and children who buy sweets, toy, ice cream etc. People like street hawkers because they supply things at their doorsteps. People bargain with street hawkers before buying their things. Some hawkers do not cover their eatables. We should not buy eatables from them. A street hawker belongs to the poor section of the society and he has to work very hard to earn his daily bread and to feed his family.

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