
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Can anyone give online psychic readings?

Having the Qualifications to Give a Psychic Reading

Online psychic readings are more popular today than ever. You've probably seen advertisements on your favorite occult and New Age websites, maybe even tried getting a reading or two. Are you thinking of becoming an online psychic reader? Here are a few points to consider.

You are Psychic

Everyone is psychic to some degree. Psychic ability is a natural human faculty. Skeptics often dismiss it as coincidence or wishful thinking, but many people report visions, communications and other phenomena that can only be explained through ESP. Serious studies of clairvoyance and telepathyare still being conducted at the J.B. Rhine Institute in North Carolina. If you're considering becoming a psychic reader, you are probably aware of your own psychic talents. Perhaps you have a knack for making accurate predictions, pick up "vibes" from people or see their auras. By spending some time each day in meditation and learning to rely on your intuition, you can improve your psychic ability. You might even obtain a set of Zener cards, the symbols used by Rhine to test telepathy, and practice sending and receiving with a friend.
But not all psychics can do psychic readings, online or off. It's not just another work-from-home service. It takes a certain amount of psychology and people skills, even online. You will have to decide if you are capable not just of clairvoyantly discerning what is going on in the client's life, but of explaining things in clear and reassuring language.

Relating to Clients

Present yourself in a warm, open manner. You want to be someone the client feels very comfortable with, like a grandmother who reads tea leaves. Be honest about your abilities and experience, and explain exactly how you work.

Don't let clients tell you much about themselves. Reach out to them and see what you pick up. Images, sounds or even smells and tastes may come into your mind. Even if you don't have video contact, you might see mental images of the client's aura, colors or personal thought-form symbols. You may actually receive messages from the client's guardian angels, or from spirits of their loved ones who have gone on to the next life. Tell the client exactly what you perceive, even if it seems strange to you. The information may make perfect sense to the client, perhaps verifying the identities of the spirits who are attempting to communicate. This is called evidential information.
Source: Danilo Rizzuti

Can Online Psychics Use Divination?

If the online psychic readings service you work for requires that the client give his date of birth, this is probably in case readers want to use astrology. A birth date will tell you the client's sun sign, so you will know something about his personality. Take this into account as you work with the client, but don't let it influence your perceptions too much.

Psychics often use tarot cards, rune casting, sand reading, pendulums, crystal balls, I Ching and other devices to aid them in looking into the unseen world. If you use any of these divination methods, be honest about it. Explain that they have no power in themselves; they are just helpful tools.

Dark Clouds and Silver Linings

There is a chance that you will see misfortune in someone's present or future life. Everyone, sooner or later, will experience some kind of personal tragedy. You may not know exactly what it is but simply sense darkness or a sense of sorrow or anger.

It's important to be able to tell clients about such negative things without making it sound either like they're doomed or can't change things. Emphasize that the future is malleable, and that our choices are what make all the difference. At all times during online psychic readings, reassure the client that they are in charge of their own lives. No psychic reading, however accurate in detail, is a forecast of inevitable fate.

Have You Ever Had a Psychic Encounter?

  •  Yes, I get premonitions before events actually happen
  •  Yes, I've seen/heart/spoken to ghosts or other spirits
  •  Yes, I've had my fortune or future read by tarot, divination, or other methods
  •  No, I've never used a psychic
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