
Sunday 26 May 2013


Films have become an integral part of our life, especially of youth. The current Cable TV culture has brought about a tremendous change in the lives of the young people. The behaviour patterns of the movie stars are adopted by the people. The youth try to follow the habits, dress code of the film stars and are exploited by the people who are in the fashion business. Each successful movie influences the dress of young boys and girls and the change gives an air of obscenity. This unhealthy impact of movies is a tragedy of the modern times. The Pakistani way of life is being influenced by the western life style. There is an increase in violence, murders and the cases of kidnapping. The modern youth want to become rich overnight without putting in any efforts to earn money. In fact, films are blamed for most of the ills which are prevalent in the society. There is, no doubt, some good movies make a healthy impact on the youth and such movies create the feelings of patriotism, national integration and human values. But unfortunately, such movies are hardly made. If the movies are responsible in spoiling the youth, the blame lies with the film makers.

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